Friday, October 15, 2010

God Has a Pocket Full of Poop Bags

I was walking my dog, Angel, on the dyke this morning and as I bent down to pick up the mess, she left behind...I had a prolific moment....

All week long I have felt mostly irritated. I can try to explain it away by blaming Aunte Flow, or my family, my husband leaving the gate open and the dog escaping, the children's pig sty of a room, the weather, the fluorescent light that keeps blinking in the kitchen and needs to be replaced, the neighbour smoking Pot. Just 'insert irritation here' and blame my sour mood on that. So now I have a valid excuse for my bad temperament...or do I?

God calls us to be Holy. What does that mean? Holy means separate, set apart, different.

Romans 5:3-4
"We also have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character, and character produces hope."

My reactions to the above irritations did not set me aside. I allowed life to bother me and I hung on to the irritation and because of turned me into a person my family didn't want to hang out with. I thank God it only took a few days and not weeks or years or decades for Him to set me straight.

 We are not supposed to hang on to the mess of this world....the mess that surrounds us.

Walking on the dyke is my time to cry out to God with all  my messes and Thank Him for my Blessings. It's a time of reflection and quiet so God can speak back...Then I noticed the dog. I noticed how freely she ran between the tall grass after she dropped the heavy load she was carrying around. She didn't look back....she didn't hang onto it....she didn't circle the excrement or try to clean it up on her own...Drop and go...that's what she did... and she looked free and happy.
Are you hanging onto any crap? Are you in a sour mood because things just haven't gone the way you expected?....May I suggest something?
 DROP AND GO BABY....don't look back..... because God has a pocket full of poop bags.

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